2023 Christmas Flowers
Thrive Church offers its congregation the opportunity to purchase flowers for themselves or can do so in loving memory of a family member/friend or to honor a loved one.
If you have any questions, please contact Debbie LaRose at dmarie072@aol.com. Deadline to order is December 10.
If you'd like to pay online, you'll need to use our secure online payment service or write a check and drop off at the church. Please add up your purchases and put the total in the Other Miscellaneous section and type "Christmas Flowers" in the required box. Additionally, you'll need to pay for the service fee. We will process your online order once we confirm payment.
This year's Christmas Poinsettia offerings & prices:
6 in pot with 4-6 blooms in red or pink: $12 each
7 in pot with 10-14 blooms in red or pink: $19 each
8 in pot with 18-24 blooms in red or pink: $29 each