Operation Christmas Child Collection
|Thrive Church
Imagine never receiving a toy... EVER. You can help change that. We're now collecting toys baby dolls and bouncy balls. New toys only please.

Time & Location
Thrive Church, 680 W Livingston Rd, Highland Charter Twp, MI 48357, USA
About The Event
For more than a decade, Thrive Church has been supporting Operations Christmas Child, which helps spread the Gospel to children in need across the earth. Each year, Thrive Church packs 230+ shoeboxes filled with toiletries, toys, and other needed items. Collection for these boxes is a long proccess and takes many hands!
Right now, we're collecting baby dolls and bouncy balls that can fit in a shoebox. New items only, please. You can bring them to the church and drop them in the red bins located outside the worship center and gym. If you have any questions about Thrive's "Operation Christmas Child" Ministry, please contact Sue Cole at 248-467-1272 or scole@thrive-church.us. THANK YOU!