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Thrive Wish List

By Pastor Tom Anderson

FAST team leaders have developed a “wish list” of items not in the budget but we think will enhance our ministry and witness for Christ. This list was prayed over and researched by the FAST team and key ministry leaders.

Our financial priorities are the 1) general fund and 2) the elimination of our disaffiliation loan. Yet we wanted everyone to be aware of opportunities to give as the Lord may lead you. Already the list has borne fruit when we received the donation of two push lawn mowers for trim work on the grounds! God is so good, and he opens hearts to provide for a church on the move.

Welcome desk for FLC - $800

Volunteers will build a Welcome Desk for the Family Life Center entrance that is similar in color & style to the Worship Center Welcome desk

Mission Center Built-in for Worship center - $1200

Volunteers will build a Mission Control Center in the Fellowship Area where we'll display our Mission and Service activities and post volunteer opportunities! This will be a built-in where the current Operation Christmas Child and Community Sharing bins are located outside the worship center where there was a coat rack cubby.

Worship Center Projector & Display - $10,000

Our Worship Center projector is in need of an upgrade as it's slowly losing life! Help contribute to a new screen and projector for Sunday service and all other ministries who use this tech (American Heritage Girls, special events, etc.)

Paint & supplies for worship center doors and trim - $250

We're continuing to update & beautify the church. Volunteers will paint the trim and door to bring a fresh updated look and feel to the Fellowship area and worship center hallway.

Four Wall decals for fellowship area & meeting rooms - $250 each

We love the Lord Jesus and want to share his Word. What better way to do this with Scripture Wall art–similar to the existing scripture art in the entrance lobby. Help us bring our walls to life with the Word of God.

Plumbed Commercial grade Keurig machine - $875

Help us continue to upgrade our Coffee Area with a plumbed Keurig Machine that will not require daily upkeep... and it'll be great to have during the week for all other ministries!

If you would like more information or have a suggestion, please call or email me. May God be glorified as our building is equipped for ministry in Jesus’ name.


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