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Thrive Groups | Weekly Gatherings

We Have 4 Meeting Options


Thrive Church of Highland

Join ANYTIME! Looking to connect with others? Thrive Group is a weekly gathering to discuss the last week's scripture, and to take turns talking about efforts in our Christian life. We offer 4 different sessions.

Thrive Groups | Weekly Gatherings
Thrive Groups | Weekly Gatherings

Time & Location

We Have 4 Meeting Options

Thrive Church of Highland, 680 W Livingston Rd, Highland, MI 48357, USA

About The Event

We are always looking for new Thrive Group Members and you can join ANY TIME! ! Thrive Group is a weekly gathering of believers to reflect on the previous sermon's scripture and to each discuss our own efforts in the Christian life. ** This is not a class with books, presentations  & notes. We talk about our lives.

We Offer Four Different Weekly Sessions: 

-Monday nights at 7PM Hybrid class with Jenni Cohen (meets online with one meeting per month in-person)

-Wednesday nights at 7PM in-person with Pastor Tom

-Wednesday nights at 7PM online with Dan & Julie Crowl

-Thursday nights at 6:30 PM in-person with Dick & Sue Cole 

If you're interested in joining a Thrive Group, please contact the church office at 248.887.1311 or And, you can always chat with Pastor Tom or one of the group leaders.

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