Welcome to Camp Lego!
Join us for an epic adventure as we dig into LEGOS! We have something for all ages. This is a free event! **Registration is extended for the Sunday and Wednesday evening events! Camp Lego for kids is now FULL!
Schedule of Events & Registration
KICK-OFF EVENT with Lego Gallery: July 7, 6:30-8pm - We're asking YOU to bring your best Lego build to be viewed and entered into a contest (kit or original). This event is open to those bringing a build AND those participating in other CAMP LEGO events. Please bring your friends and family to join in on the fun! Open to ALL AGES. (Young children aged 12 and under will need parent supervision) Prizes & refreshments provided. Click to register!
July 8 -9, 9am-noon: Camp Lego - This is a 2-day event open to children going into K - 5th grade. We will provide Legos for children to use during the sessions. We'll also have some fun drama skits, music, Bible discussion, activities, and snacks are provided. No parent supervision required as we have registered adults who will supervise the children. FULL!
July 10, 6:30-8pm: Lego Group Challenge - This is an event geared for a GROUP BUILD. We invite groups of all ages to participate in this activity. All ages welcome. (Young children aged 12 and under will need parent supervision) Giveaways and refreshments provided! Click to register!
If you have any questions, please contact Renee at renee@jitternet.com.