A God-focused campaign
Dear fellow followers and members of HUMC,

2020 was filled with many challenges, distractions, and heartache but it was also filled with love, laughter and introduced us to a new way of living. With an abundance of faith, we have kicked off our “Finish with Love” Capital Campaign to pay off our remaining debt. This worthy goal will allow us to better serve God, our community, and our membership unencumbered by debt. Philippians 1:6 says: “I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished”. Please prayerfully consider your participation in this God focused campaign.
To be honest, when I was first approached about participating on this campaign team, my first thought was “It’s 2020 and we’re in the midst of a pandemic, what are you thinking?” Talk about a lack of emboldened faith! Unless my math is wrong, our Church was founded near the conclusion of the Civil War. With God leading the way, our Church has survived and thrived in uncertain times. It was a spirit led vision to move to our current location in the late 80’s and it was that same infectious optimism that inspired us to build the FLC amidst a crushing recession. A few weeks ago, our Church put on our 2nd annual Drive Through Nativity. What a tremendous event for our community and for the opportunity to tell God’s story to almost 1,200 visitors. Our community needs God, and we need to be God’s hands and feet.
The FLC was built to reach more of God’s children then, now, and more importantly for future generations. Psalm 145:4 tells us “one generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts”. To those past members I say thank you for bringing Gods love, guidance, and direction to our lives. Think of all the young lives that have heard the gospel, learned to pray and trust in God’s Grace. God speaks to us in Mt.25: “Well done good and faithful servant”.
On Sunday January 17th, Renard Kolasa will present ideas and strategies for Creative Giving and In-Kind Gifts as potential options for us. Please plan to attend this meeting (in-person or virtual) which will take place in the worship center immediately following both services.
John Welch
The Finish with Love Committee
Brian and Julie Drake, Andy Persons, Brian Saunders, Jen Schram, Penny Semansky, John and Mindy Welch.