Ending the year with grace
By Pastor Tom Anderson

It has been a wonderful year for children at Thrive Church! The joy began in January when we presented our Christmas Eve offering check to the Power Company Kid’s Club of $14,000! Hundreds of at-risk children in Pontiac and Detroit hear the gospel and find direction through school because of you! Kids are being saved from the cycle of addiction, incarceration and death. (See thepckc.org) They are coming to know the good news of Jesus Christ and they are being mentored in the life skills they need to succeed. Thank you all for making a life-saving difference!
At Highland Elementary School a good portion of the children lack proper nutrition over the weekend. The Blessings in a Backpack initiative is a game-changer for these kids. They go home on Friday with a backpack of food that will keep them healthy and ready to engage the classroom when Monday comes. Thrive Church is a proud financial supporter of this program. (See Blessings in a Backpack | Huron Valley Optimists) Even more, Thrive Church provides need-based scholarships for Highland Elementary kids to participate in the opportunities of Huron Valley Recreation programs. Thank you all for the compassionate impact you are having in our community. Praise God for this congregation!
Did you see them over this past year? Six young children have confessed faith in Jesus Christ and been baptized at the altar of Thrive Church! How did this happen? It was the work of the Holy Spirit through our children’s ministry. (see www.thrive-church.us/kids-ministry )You provided the financial support for materials, vacation Bible Schools, music, software and the staff person to make it happen. God be praised! Our annual children’s ministry program budget is $3400 and this is the return on your investment. Thank you for helping to bring these little ones to Jesus. They are his special flock.
We have a special need. Our year-to-date giving is at 90% of our budget. Let’s charge this hill and go right over the top for our God! What does this mean? You can measure it in children being baptized. You can count it out in children having a nutritious meal. You can add it up in children who succeed in school. The children of the world are much better off because of our congregation. Thank you for what you have done in these inflationary times. Thank you for stepping up time and again to give glory to God. Consider a special gift before the end of the year to fully fund the witness of Thrive Church. You can give online at Ways to Give | Thrive Church (thrive-church.us) or place your gift in the offering tray next Sunday. Consider also including Thrive Church in your will and estate planning. Thank you for your strong and resolute act of gratitude for the grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ!