The Second Most Important Journey
By Pastor Tom Anderson
We are a purpose-driven church! Jesus has called us to make disciples who connect with God, grow in the Spirit and serve generously. Our core classes facilitate the spiritual and moral formation of Jesus followers at HUMC.
What are your gifts, your personal style and your passion for serving the church? Class 301 is a six-session course to help us think Biblically and spiritually how to find the best place for each of us to serve God. The most significant journey any of us can take is the one that leads us into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The second most significant journey leads us to understand our calling and purpose in the kingdom of God. How are you doing on this second journey?
Jesus said, “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit.” (John 15:8) The goal of class 301 is to help each one to be fruitful and fulfilled in a meaningful place of service. The word serve is a command. It’s not optional, it’s a matter of obedience to Jesus Christ. Class 301 will help disciples better understand who God made them to be and how each one’s unique contribution can make a difference for eternity. The Bible presents two purposes for our serving. One is to glorify God and the second is to build others up.
Class 301 uses a Biblical study titled Network by Bruce Bugbee. Bugbee lays out a three step process: 1) Discovery--what is your God-given servant profile?; 2) Coaching--the pastor (me) will assist you in finding a meaningful place of service according to your servant profile and 3) Meaningful service--you employ your gifts and passion!
Sessions emphasize the importance of the interdependence of church members in accomplishing Christ’s mission. Members will study the Biblical teaching on Spiritual gifts and make an assessment of themselves. A deep dive is made into 1 Corinthians 13--the all-important New Testament passage on love. Class members learn to carefully distinguish between servility and servanthood.
Emphasis is given on understanding one’s personal style--the way you prefer to relate to people and the world around you--so that you can serve in a manner consistent with who you are. A “ministry passion assessment” in the student book helps each one examine themselves.
I want you to fulfill the ministry passion that God has given you! “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10) Are you hindered by low-self esteem? Pride? Unrepentant sin? Are you afraid of rejection? Failure? Or accountability? “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1)
The church needs you. Not because there are slots to fill, but because you have been given a ministry to fulfill. God has a design for your serving in the church. God called you. God saved you. God gave you his Holy Spirit. God prepared good works for you to do and promises to be with you as you do them. We are the church together, working in concert to accomplish the eternal purpose of Christ to save souls and make disciples for the transformation of the world.
You can sign up for Class 301 at