Christmas Eve Miracle at Thrive!
By Pastor Tom Anderson

Kuantele is one of 8 children raised by his grandparents in a single bedroom, well known drug house which was often raided by the police. Kuantele was kicked out of 5th grade for carrying a weapon and as a result, started attending The Power Company Kids Club. He came to Christ and began thriving in school, being awarded a full academic scholarship to Michigan State, and graduated with a B.A. in business. Both he and his wife, Alicia, began leading the bus routes they attended as children while in their junior year of high school. Kuantele serves as a Dearborn police officer (my hometown!) and Alicia is a stay-at-home mom taking care of their three beautiful children in the home they own in Pontiac.
When The Power Company staff first began knocking on Lisandra’s door, she would hide and pretend not to be home. ‘It’s the Jesus people!’, she would say to her siblings. But when a friend invited her to attend The Power Company Kids Club with her, she came and was hooked! Lisandra graduated from our leadership programs and served a 1-year internship with the Power Company. She became a team leader in her senior year of high school and currently serves as the Detroit campus coordinator. Lisandra earned her AA from OCC and is pursuing her B.A. in counseling at SAGU.
Christian’s family had been living in Pontiac just two weeks when ‘Grandpa Dan,’ knocked on his family’s door, inviting him to The Power Company Kids Club. No one in the family spoke English, yet Christian came that next Saturday. He gave his heart to Christ at age 10 and has won his parents, siblings, Uncle and Aunt, and several cousins to the Lord. He graduated from the Power Company leadership program and became the team leader of his own bus route in his junior year of high school.
Christian holds an AB from OCC and is finishing his BA in Bible at SAGU. He serves as program director and leads the children’s ministry at his home church. He and his fiancé, Kim, will be married this fall. He has purchased his own home in Pontiac, the city he loves and serves.
Thrive Church is the key to all of these stories of redemption! Two thousand children are depending on you to give generously. Our Christmas Eve offering is dedicated to the gospel ministry of Power Company Kids Club in Pontiac and Detroit. Our goal is to raise $10,000 this Christmas eve. Plan now to be a part of this miracle! Bring your gift to worship on Christmas Eve, give online or use the Vanco mobile app.