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How Marijuana Affects Our Youth

By Pastor Tom Anderson

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,for you were bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Pot use has serious and permanent negative consequences upon children and youth. Pot use harms the body and fails at glorifying God.

The following data comes to us from the Livingston County Human Services. Regardless of how you feel about pot, everyone can agree it is BAD for children and youth. Here are some important statistics our church needs to know:

  • Chronic pot use is considered to be once a week.

  • 80% of youth chronic users become welfare dependent by age 25

  • 72% of youth chronic users become unemployed as adults

  • Of those who do find employment they will earn 23% less than non-users

  • Chronic youth users are four times more likely to never earn a college degree.

  • Adolescent use doubles the chances of psychosis

  • Adolescent use quadruples the chance for depression and bi-polar disorder

  • 13 is the average age youth start using pot

  • 1 out of 6 youth pot users will become addicted.

Marijauna is delivered in multiple forms: smoking, candy, cookies, powders and liquids. Pot can be hidden inside very small objects.

With cannabis dispensaries popping up nearly everywhere, the perception of marijuana’s harmful impacts on teens/adolescents seems to have waned. But make no mistake, marijuana use during adolescence and young adulthood may harm the developing brain. Negative effects could include:trouble thinking and problem-solving; problems with memory and learning; reduced coordination; trouble maintaining attention; and problems with school and social life.

I want to encourage parents and grandparents to start early in talking with youth about the negative effects of pot use of any kind. On the website, you’ll find excellent information and videos on a number of topics including, marijuana, vaping, tobacco and alcohol. There’s also tips on what to say and how to listen to a whole range of age groups. The truth is that our kids actually want to talk with us about drugs. Many of them are confused and have questions. Like all of us, they need wisdom. Let’s open the way today.


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